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Dominican Republic                       Finland                              France
               AIRE: JUST BREATHE                        BUTTERFLIES                          ROBOT T-0
                       U.S. Premiere                        U.S. Premiere                      World Premiere

            It’s the year 2147, men are sterile due   Siiri, a hardworking millennial, strives to   In the near future, robots are in every
            to a virus, leaving humankind almost   be successful in her job as the advisor to   household, at the service of humans,
            extinct. Tania, a biologist, is trying   the Minister of Economic Affairs. This is   replacing them in their daily chores.
            to inseminate herself to prevent this   a sweet and hysterical comedy. Special   40 years old Max, unemployed, and
            from happening with the help of an AI   guest from Helsinki, director Jenni   her daughter Paula struggle to earn
            system called VIDA. Things take a turn   Toivoniemi.                     their living.
            when Azarias, one of the last men and                                    ROBOT T-0 is one of the cleverest
            a traveler with a dark past, suddenly                                    and most hilarious films at this year’s
            appears. Winner of The Fantastic                                         FLIFF. Special guest from Paris, star
            Pavilion Award at Cannes 2023.
                                                                                     Blanche Gardin.

                         Germany                               India                                Iran
                    EVERYTHING’S                        THE BOY WHO                         JUNKS & DOLLS
                     FIFTY-FIFTY                 DREAMT OF ELECTRICITY                          U.S. Premiere
                       U.S. Premiere                      Southeast Premiere
                                                                                     A couple is destined to build up their life
            A divorced couple decide decide to take   Young Bheru dreams of bringing   in a waste depot in the heart of Iranian
            their adolescent son on a vacation to the   electricity to his isolated hilltop home.   north forests. Despite their obstacles –
            Italian Riviera. Lots of laughs.     Struggling with the lack of conventional   they share a deep love and caring for
                                                 power sources, he stumbles upon hope   each other – which makes for a very
                                                 when he comes upon a miraculous     sweet film.
                                                 invention. Special guest from Mumbai,
                                                 director/writer Jigdal Madanial Nagda.


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