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            CONTENTS                                                 The Las Olas Company

                                                                     The Las Olas Association
                                                                     Visit Lauderdale

                                                                     Ashley Cacicedo
                                                                     Caroline Carrara
                                                                     Maria Doherty
                                                                     Erica Franceschi               LAS OLAS BOULEVARD
                                                                     Steven Glassman                & ISLES MAGAZINE is
                                                                                                    the official bimonthly
                                                                     Ann Mihaiu                     magazine of the Las
             54                                                      Erik Petersen                  Olas Association serving
                                                                                                    local homeowners,
                                                                     Stacy Ritter
                                                                                                    residents and businesses
                                                                     Jodi Tanner                    throughout our Las Olas
                                                                                                    community with relevant
                                                                     Ebony Tyre                     news, civic issues updates
            6    Las Olas Association Update                                                        and events information
               Jodi Tanner looks at DDA’s data on Las Olas           Gregory Von Hausch             exclusively focused on
               business and trends                                                                  our Las Olas Downtown,
                                                                     PUBLISHED BY                   Boulevard and Isles

            10 Las Olas A Boulevard Events                           Fort Lauderdale                community. The magazine
               Maria Doherty highlights a couple of key events       Media Associates, Inc.         is published bimonthly
                                                                                                    by Fort Lauderdale
                                                                     401 E. Las Olas Blvd., Ste. 130   Media Associates,

            12 LOA Member Spotlight                                  Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301      Inc. and mailed to all
               One of the oldest LOA members and one of the newest        residential and business
                                                             addresses throughout our
            14 New & Trending                                                                       downtown, E. Las Olas

                                                                                                    Boulevard and Las Olas
               Who's new & what’s trending on and around Las Olas    PUBLISHER                      Isles corridor. Additional
                                                                     George Mihaiu
                                                                                                    free distribution via our

            26 Our Visitors Love Las Olas, Too!                      ASSOCIATE PUBLISHERS           advertisers and selected
               Visit Lauderdale's CEO Stacy Ritter previews          Ann Mihaiu                     businesses, real estate,
               the major events for the coming season                Tracy Roloff                   professional offices and
                                                                                                    hotels throughout the city.
                                                                                                    For Las Olas Association
            34  Annual Season Preview                                ART & DESIGN                   membership information,
               Contributing editor Erik Petersen presents the        James Polo                     please contact:
               coming events you’ll want to know about
                                                                     NEW & TRENDING                  The Las Olas Association, Inc.

            48 Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival           Caroline Carrara                    P.O. Box 30013
                                                                                                         Fort Lauderdale,
               FLIFF’s Greg Von Hausch & team have the best                                              Florida 33303
               season yet lined up for us                            COVER                  
                                                                     Fort Lauderdale Media Graphics
            54 United We Stand

               Meet Fort Lauderdale United women’s soccer team

            64 Calendar of September & October Events
               Save the dates for these upcoming local events

            Copyright 2024, Fort Lauderdale Media Associates, Inc., Publisher, and The Las Olas Association, Inc. All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in
            part,  regardless  of  technology  used,  without  express  written  consent  from  publisher.  The  Las  Olas  Association  and  publisher  reserve  the  right  to  reject  any  editorial
            submissions, advertising or copy either may deem to be unacceptable or inappropriate for any reason at their sole discretion. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy
            and timeliness of this publication and no liability can be attached to or be accepted by the publisher or the Las Olas Association for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies.
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